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Sapphire Hair Transplant in Turkey

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What is Sapphire Hair Transplantation?

The importance of one's physical appearance is highly valued by both men and women. One of the most significant features of an individual's appearance is their hair. Hair loss is a common problem, and there are permanent solutions for it. One of these solutions is Sapphire FUE hair transplantation. Using the Sapphire Method, an improved FUE procedure, it is possible to obtain the most realistic hair transplant results with the potential for more frequent hair transplants. One of the crucial requirements for a successful hair transplant is to implant the most grafts in the best manner possible. The transplanted hair should grow in as frequently as possible and should appear so naturally that no one will ever suspect it is a hair transplant.

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How is Sapphire Technique Applied?

The most popular method used to achieve cosmetically attractive outcomes in males is sapphire hair transplanting. The most recent improvement to FUE hair transplantation is called "sapphire hair transplantation," in which sapphire blades and microchannels are opened at the recipient site. The single crystal of artificial sapphire manufactured from aluminum oxide is used to create sapphire blades rather than sapphire crystals found in nature. Compared to steel blades, sapphire blades are more durable and maintain their sharpness for a long time. because sapphire hair transplanting uses cutting-edge technology in its blades. When all other things are the same, sapphire hair transplantation provides the patient with the best outcome.

What Should Be Done Before Sapphire Hair Transplantation?

It's essential that you and the surgeon who will do your hair transplant operation discuss the shape you desire before anything else. The hairline should be chosen in accordance with your needs and preferences because the hair transplant procedure is permanent. You must also tell your doctor in advance about every medical issue you have. A blood test will be done prior to the treatment to see if you are healthy enough for a hair transplant.

  • You need to stop smoking and drinking before the transplant.
  • It is best to stay away from blood thinners and natural medicines.
  • Your medical background and the current medications you're taking should be disclosed to your doctor.
  • About a week before to surgery, energy drinks should be avoided.
  • Caffeine and vitamin supplements should be avoided for at least five days before to the surgery.

What are the Advantages of Sapphire Technique?

  • Since the amount of edema has decreased after surgery, the patient is living a more comfortable life.
  • All channels might open in the same hair follicles during Sapphire FUE hair transplantation. There is therefore no chance of follicle displacement or change in angle locations following hair transplantation.
  • For the transplant, very small incisions are opened with sapphire blades. This keeps the skin's surface soft and enables the tissues to mend more quickly.
  • It lowers the potential for trauma, scalp tissue loss, and other issues that may arise during FUE hair transplantation and other hair transplant procedures.
  • When the channel is opened, there is less vibration. This is because the sapphire blade is so tough. Tissue injury is less likely as a result.
  • There will be natural hair growth.

What is the Difference Between DHI and Sapphire?

  • The donor area is used for collecting hair follicles (grafts) in both the Dhi Choi and Sapphire fue techniques.
  • By creating even smaller micro-canals in the area where the hair grafts will be implanted, Sapphire FUE, which uses tips made from real sapphire, a very expensive mine, is intended to hasten healing and generate the fewest possible scars. In the DHI method, Choi pens have a needle at the tip that has a hollow canal-shaped structure. The needle is placed into the skin, and then hair follicles are transplanted into the skin.
  • The process of using Sapphire hair transplantation, which uses natural sapphire stone—specifically, sapphire crystal—to open the canals into which hair grafts will be inserted—is innovative and does not affect the skin tissue. Sapphire hair transplanting reduces blood during surgery, speeds up healing, and produces more realistic results.
  • As the canal is not opened when using the DHI method, planting may be done more tightly, and success rates are high. It is a more difficult procedure nevertheless, requiring knowledge and experience. Grafts are susceptible to damage when placed in the choi pen, and they may not hold if the correct depth and planting angle are not used.
  • Sapphire is a type of mine that has antibacterial qualities and accelerates healing since it uses very thin tunnels.
  • Only the donor area must be shaved when using the DHI procedure for transplanting.
  • It is feasible to use the sapphire tip for more frequent transplants on patients who have more severe hair loss.
  • Since there is no incision with the DHI procedure, the risk of bleeding is kept to a minimum.

How Long Does Sapphire Hair Transplant Take?

Depending on how many grafts must be transplanted, this process may take a certain amount of time. It normally takes six to eight hours to complete a Sapphire FUE hair transplant.

What Should Be Considered After Sapphire Hair Transplantation?

  • An appropriate moisturizing agent is applied to the transplanted area and left on for 15 to 30 minutes. As a result, grafts that have been implanted as well as scabs near to the donor site soften. The scalp should be washed with warm water after 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Use a paper towel to dry your hair after shampooing. Pat it very gently rather than rubbing it.
  • A little stiffness may persist for a few days following the hair transplant process. Painkillers may be beneficial following a hair transplant treatment.
  • The recipient sites should be touched as little as possible in the first week following surgery.
  • The recommended position for patients to sleep is on their backs with a few pillows under their heads. Although most people recover completely within a day or two of surgery, it's possible to plan on some scalp soreness and numbness for a few days.
  • A few weeks after the transplant, the shock shedding phase of hair loss begins. For hair transplants, this is the usual procedure. All that's left to do is wait for fresh hair to grow after this section.

Sapphire Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey

In the region, Turkey has emerged as a center for Sapphire hair transplants. The center of the hub is EHT Clinic. With the assistance of our skilled doctors and medical professionals, we have been giving hair transplantation treatments in Istanbul, one of the top cities in the globe, for many years. The fact that only doctors provide treatments at our clinic is among its most significant features. The safety of our patients is our first priority. The EHT Clinic in Istanbul has treated hundreds of satisfied patients over the years and provides hair transplants at incredibly low prices. As part of our all-inclusive package, we provide free accommodation in one of our five-star hotels in the heart of Istanbul as well as cost-free VIP transportation from the airport to the hotel. Also, no matter how many grafts you require, the cost remains the same. Thus, hair transplants offer superior care at a lower cost. Because to the market's consistent growth, Sapphire hair transplant prices in Turkey are fairly reasonable when compared to those in other developed countries. Turkey is home to several highly skilled medical specialists. Turkey's labor force provides for more economical hair transplant prices. In addition, the Turkish Lira is less valuable than the US dollar, euro, and pound. So, Turkey can set more affordable prices.

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